Monday, January 28

Having an Off Day

My system is off again. Off in the sense of "off of its schedule". 

This happens to me quite frequently. Once a week? Wow, typing it makes it seem like a lot. 

I think it's a mixture of the fact that I'm still figuring out how much, when, and what my body needs. Plus the fact that life gets busy, and when each day is different and crazy, it can be hard to plan. 

Can anyone else relate?

I was reading this post (specifically the last paragraph) and I was reminded [for the millionth time!] why it is so important to listen to my body. Today and yesterday I wasn't really listening and therefore felt like I was having trouble finding what my body was saying to me. Rereading [<<Procrastinating >:) on my studying] Paige's posts it reminded me how important it is that I go back to listening to what I need now matter what that entails (a light dinner? a bigger breakfast?). 

I've heard of a few great books lately that I want to start reading that might help me to understand a little more about this topic. When I get my hands on them, I'll let you all know how they are :)

[I love <3 Mutts :)]


  1. It's funny that you posted about this today. I emailed my nutritionist about this exact problem. She told me the only way to fix it was to get back on track as quickly as humanly possible. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. You can do it too :)

    1. Funny when coincidences happen like that :) Glad I'm not the only one who experiences this (not that I'm wishing that other people would go through it!). Thanks for your encouraging words!
